Memorial Day Prayer 2017 at American Legion Griswold Post 79, Madison, CT – Pastor Greg Scalzo

Invocation delivered at the Madison, CT Memorial Day Ceremony at The American Legion Griswold Post 79


Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father, we praise You and we thank You for this country and this beautiful land which You have provided,

Where people, from every nation and language, have come and have enjoyed such a degree of freedom and prosperity as was previously unknown in human history.


And today we remember and give You thanks for those men and women who, in defense of this precious land, made great sacrifice for freedom’s victory.

Today, especially we remember that our nation’s safety and protection does not come without cost, and we thank You for those defenders who gave completely of themselves, who gave their very lives, so that we could assemble here, a free people whose children enjoy the blessings of liberty.

These American warriors marched out not for conquest or for personal gain, like so many armies in history;

Rather they marched, they sailed, they flew—they bled, they died—because they loved their country, they loved their families back home, and, yes many, desired to do that which was right and proper in Your sight.


So today, Father, we pray, that even while we  celebrate, even while families and friends gather for a joyous time—and that joy is not wrong, because Your Word says, “The joy of the Lord is my strength” and we find strength in these times of community and family—but we pray Father that even while we enjoy the day, that underneath, with all of our hearts, we would understand the seriousness of this Memorial, that we would appreciate the sacredness of what was given for us, and hold dear the precious lives lost and pain suffered; that we would take a moment to tell the next generation, the children and the children’s children, about the great sadness that has purchased this joy and way of life which we too often take for granted.  May we remember those lost lives and be grateful every day of every year.


Dear God, today our nation is confronted with many dangers and our armed forces face determined enemies.  In times past, in times of national crisis and war, our forefathers and foremothers gathered in churches and synagogues to seek Your mercy and protection.  With contrite hearts they rededicated their lives to You, revived their commitment to that which was right in Your eyes, and asked You to be with our troops in the field of battle.  May we be such a people today. I ask this as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


© 2017 Gregory J. Scalzo